'The Top Line': Genentech's candid conversation about diversity, a report's surprising findings on diabetes brand recall and more

Senior Editor Annalee Armstrong was doing a pretty routine interview with Genentech’s Greg Rippon when she heard what she says was a mea culpa. Genentech wasn't able to recruit the kind of diverse population that would truly reflect the predominance of Alzheimer’s in non-white communities. Armstrong will discuss what she heard from Rippon about the lack of trial diversity and how Genentech hopes to get it right in the future. 

How memorable are diabetes brands? According to a new report out by Phreesia, patients are too overloaded with names to remember. We'll discuss how pharma companies could change their marketing strategy.

To learn more about topics in this episode: 

The Top Line is produced by senior multimedia producer Teresa Carey with managing editor Querida Anderson and senior editors Annalee Armstrong, Ben Adams, Conor Hale and Eric Sagonowsky. The sound engineer is Caleb Hodgson. The stories are by all our “Fierce” journalists. Like and subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts. 

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