ALSO NOTED: Yellow Fever vaccine in short supply; experimental TB vaccine being tested; and much more...

Vaccine Market

Argentines began lining up for vaccinations to protect them from an outbreak of yellow fever in the north of the country, Paraguay and Brazil. The World Health Organization, though, is warning that the world supply of yellow fever vaccine is running low. "At this point our global emergency stockpile is depleted," says Mike Ryan, WHO's coordinator of its global outbreak alert and response network. Report

Bird flu programs in Thailand and Vietnam appear to have played a role in preventing the spread of the disease. Researchers are studying how the virus spreads to give them a better understanding of how to prevent it in future. Report

Virginia lawmakers have rejected a move to delay a mandate on HPV vaccines for girls. Virginia is the only state that requires the vaccine, though parents can opt out. Report

Two cases of measles reported in Brooklyn have raised an alarm. Report

Vaccine Research

The BBC reports on trials of a new TB vaccine--MVA85A--underway in South Africa. Article

An experimental, combination vaccine against Ebola and Marburg viruses using virus-like particles (VLPs) provides complete protection against infection in monkeys. Release

A novel technique for vaccinating against a variety of infectious diseases--using an oil-based emulsion placed in the nose, rather than needles--has produced a strong immune response against smallpox and HIV in two new studies. Release

GeoVax Labs announced that their HIV/AIDS vaccine has been selected to move forward into Phase IIa trials by the HIV Vaccine Trials Network, a network supported by the National Institutes of Health. Release