Lilly gets ready for track-and-trace in U.S.

Drugmakers are deciding now how to prepare for new U.S. requirements, as well as new rules in the E.U. for track and trace and one, Eli Lilly ($LLY), tells in-Pharmatechnologist that it is making an investment of more than $100 million. Part of the new Drug Quality and Security Act, approved in the U.S. last fall, sets in motion a timeline to eventually have serialization on individual drug units and a system to track them from manufacturing to pharmacy. The new technology will allow Lilly to fight against counterfeits, as well as know where a product is in the case of a recall. Bill Reid, senior director of global anti-counterfeiting for Lilly, tells the publications that the $102 million includes money for investments in manufacturing capabilities needed to meet the new standards. Story | More