Mothers quick to urge HPV jab; Mymetics buys Virosome Biologicals; researchers focus on universal bioterror vax

Vaccine Market

A group of big pharma companies -- including GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis and Pfizer -- are tackling India's vaccine market. Report

A new survey shows widespread support among mothers for an HPV vaccine for their daughters. And that same acceptance was reflected among Latino women, a high-risk population. Report

Health officials in England are urging parents to make sure that their children are vaccinated after an outbreak of mumps was reported in Manchester. Story

Vaccine Research

DARPA has awarded $12 million to the Fraunhofer CMB and iBioPharma to advance their work on a swift vaccine manufacturing method that can be used to defend against a sudden threat. Their goal is to be able to develop a manufacturing platform that can generate three million doses of vaccine in 12 weeks of an outbreak. Report

Mymetics is buying Virosome Biologicals, which is developing a vaccine delivery platform with intranasal influence vaccines and RSV vaccines. Release

CG Therapeutics, a biotech company developing the new cancer vaccine CG201, has named Denise Harrison as CEO and president. Release

Virginia Commonwealth University Life Sciences researchers have discovered a new mechanism the malaria parasite uses to enter human red blood cells, which could lead to the development of a vaccine cocktail to fight the mosquito-borne disease. Release

Advaxis submitted its cancer vaccine, ADXS11-001 (formerly known as Lovaxin-C), for an orphan drug designation to treat invasive carcinoma of the cervix. Release