Geron launches Phase I cancer vax trial; Merck's vaccine troubles help hobble pharma giant;

Vaccine Research

Geron and Merck have launched a Phase I clinical trial of V934/V935, a non-dendritic cell based cancer vaccine candidate targeting telomerase. Release

Hawaii Biotech says it is wrapping up its first human trial of a new West Nile vaccine. Phase II is expected to get started in 2009. Report 

Deaths related to two overseas vaccine trials have spurred regulators to take a tougher stance on drug research. Report

EpiVax has received a grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to optimize delivery of an HIV vaccine. NIAID will provide EpiVax with $390,000 over two years for the proposed research. Release

Vical received a $1 million milestone payment from Merck based on the pharma giant's planned initiation of a Phase I clinical trial of an investigational plasmid DNA cancer vaccine. Report

Vaccine Market

Problems in Merck's vaccine division has contributed to the pharma giant's bottom-line troubles. Report

Doctors in England have been warned against providing a cervical cancer vaccine to women and girls who fall outside the 12 to 18-year-old age limits. Report 

Fears of a measles epidemic are rising in the UK. Report