Radius, 3M update transdermal osteoporosis treatment agreement

Following up on ongoing clinical trials, Radius Health and 3M Drug Delivery Systems have signed an agreement to develop and commercialize a transdermal patch delivering BA058 for the treatment of osteoporosis. BA058 is a synthetic form of human parathyroid hormone-related peptide (hPTHrP) and was originally licensed from Ipsen.

The agreement between Radius and 3M, signed just before Christmas, updates a general agreement created between the two companies back in May 2011.

The small, wearable microneedle-based patch, known as BA058-TD, is currently in Phase II development and uses 3M's Microstructured Transdermal System. BA058-TD delivers the drug just below the skin and is administered once daily. The single-use system is more convenient, simpler to use and less painful than an injection, which should improve compliance for patients and carers, particularly in older people who may be on a number of different drugs.

The current Phase II trial of BA058-TD is in a group of healthy postmenopausal women, and results should be available in third quarter 2013. In earlier trials, the patch delivered similar levels to a subcutaneous injection within 5 minutes.

BA058 is also being tested as a daily subcutaneous injection (BA058-SC) in a Phase III trial of over 2000 women with osteoporosis, aiming to prevent fractures. In Phase II trials, the subcutaneous version increased bone density after 6 months of use.

- read the press release