RNAi-based treatment to help fight Ebola?; NIH calls for pediatric drug delivery research;

> Tekmira's lipid nanoparticle technology for delivering RNA interference (RNAi) agents showed promise in treating the Marburg virus in animal studies. Marburg is related to the Ebola virus that is plaguing West Africa. Story

> Drug delivery systems to treat asthma and nerve agent exposure--such as pulmonary function tests and pediatric auto-injectors respectively--are on the the National Institutes of Health's 2014 Priority List of Needs in Pediatric Therapeutics. List

> Preclinical contract research provider Cenix BioScience GmbH, focused on research in RNAi and drug delivery, will collaborate with BASF Group company Metanomics Health GmbH on the development of biomarkers. Release