No generics push for AZ, Brennan says

While much of Big Pharma is zigging toward generic drugs, AstraZeneca is zagging. CEO David Brennan told The Economist's Pharma Summit that he's plenty happy to be focused on branded drugs. That's where the profits will be for his company, he said.

''We will participate in the branded generics field in selected markets, but that doesn't move the [profit] needle in a big way,'' he said (as quoted by inPharm). Rather, AstraZeneca will keep trying to address those famous "unmet medical needs" out in the marketplace.

Meanwhile, the company is exploring new ways to grow sales by working more closely with healthcare providers. It's the sort of "integrated healthcare solution" approach that some industry strategists are touting as a way forward. One example: A pilot project in Stockport, England, aimed at cutting COPD patients' trips to the emergency room.

- see the post at PharmaGossip
- read the inPharm story