To hardest-to-treat patients, Sanofi's Praluent looks cheap

Payers may already be cooking up ways to reduce the $14,600 yearly price of Sanofi ($SNY) and Regeneron's ($REGN) new PCSK9 drug, Praluent. But to some patients, the drug is a bargain. Those with rare condition heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, or FH, can't get their cholesterol levels down to normal with cheaper statins, and insurance companies have set a high bar for covering apheresis--a treatment that can run them $8,000 a month. The question now, The New York Times notes, is whether Praluent's arrival will shed light on the condition and spur doctors to treat it with PCSK9 drugs--and if they do, what it will do to U.S. drug spending. Story | More